CPSD - Commentaries

CPSD - Commentary

Healthcare amelioration A mission of our time

Pakistan's population has now surged over 200 million, however delivering...

CPSD - Commentary

KP-FATA Merger

On Friday 25th 2018, the Senate approved the constitution amendment bill with a 71-5 vote..

CPSD - Commentary

Civilian Killings in Occupied Kashmir: Resistance and Mobility

On a Sunday evening of 4th March, the Pahnoo village in Shopian in Indian-occupied Kashmir rang with bullets. For the residents of this....

CPSD - Commentary

The Valley of Kashmir - A Forgotten Narrative

The valley of Kashmir has been in a state of quagmire and fluctuating violence for decades with persistent attempts of changing its social demographics to outright genocide of the...

CPSD - Commentary

Grey List - Economic Constraining of Pakistan

The relationship between Pakistan and the United States degraded further on 13th of February when an exclusive Reuters report revealed that the United States had tabled a motion in.....

CPSD - Commentary

Boycott, Divest and Sanction- Resistance Against Giants

Modern state structures are important as they uphold the contemporary global structure of power that came about after the treaty of Westphalia in 1648. These nation states.....

CPSD - Commentary

Afghanistan Unrest: The need for a soft power Alternative

A military academy in the Afghan capital, Kabul, has come under attack leaving at least two soldiers dead, days after more than 100 people were killed in an explosion near.....

CPSD - Commentary

Extra Judicial Killings: Balance between Security and Justice

Hours after a three-member probe committee tasked with probing the killing of Naqeebullah Mehsood in a police encounter submitted its..

CPSD - Commentary

LoC Tensions: A Ticking Time bomb

Four Pakistani soldiers were martyred in result of unprovoked firing by Indian forces along Line of Control (LoC) today. The Pakistani forces retaliated and killed three Indian soldiers while several..

CPSD - Commentary

Trump's Tweet: an End of an Era?

President Donald Trump has accused Pakistan of lying and deceiving the United States while receiving billions of dollars in foreign aid. In his first tweet of the year, he also alleged Pakistan harbored terrorists. This is perhaps the...

CPSD - Commentary

Jerusalem and Trump Statement - Responses That We Need To Opt For

He issue of Israel and Palestine and settlements of Israelites in Jerusalem since 1967, has taken a new turn last night after Trump's statement to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moving US - embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem...

CPSD - Commentary

Uroos-ul-bilaad: The need for a Karachi Narrative

Karachi is Pakistan's largest city and an indispensable part of its economic and financial framework. Due to its geopolitical presence in the country, Karachi also...