Energy Security of Pakistan

Resource Scarcity: Thinking beyond Norm

    General Zubair Mehmood Hayat, NI (M)
    Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee

The contemporary notion of security is multi-dimensional and complex. Elucidating on the theory of energy security, three key dimensions have been explored:
1) the concept of energy security as an element of national security.
2) the relationship of energy security and geo-strategy.
3) the relationship of energy security and geo-economics.

The analysis of energy security dynamics of Pakistan reveals multiple challenges such as lack of integrated energy planning capacity and capability, imbalanced energy mix with heavy reliance on energy imports, the supply-demand gap, need for improved sustainability and affordability in the power sector, absence of energy conservation culture, deficiency of human capital in the energy sector, and issues of corruption and commissions in energy sector projects. In reference to developing a more balanced energy mix, it is imperative to increase the share of nuclear energy as well as other alternative energy resources in Pakistan. To meet the growing demand of Pakistan’s energy, we need a multi-prong approach comprising an all-encompassing energy eco-system.